Monday, May 30, 2011


Euhg. I've got to go down town again, a place I haven't been since the...incident with the old man. Gotta pick up a memorial flag or something down by the fort, and my sister's being an ass and won't let me use the camera (Did I mention I don't have my own camera?) So, I'll TRY to get some pictures. I might not be able to, though.
Oh, yeah, I found the camera. Should have mentioned that. Didn't have the SD card in it though so I had to buy a new one. Grumble grumble.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Whooo, Minecraft

Hooray, got Minecraft. And Adventurecraft. So, might put some videos of those up on my channel. In other news, no luck with the hunt for my camera. Sadfaic.

Monday, May 16, 2011

After Effects, disorganization

So, recently got a fresh copy of After Effects CS5 and a couple other things to go with it, I'm gonna be uploading a couple tests to my channel in a while, once it's all done downloading. I'm a total nub at the moment with any kind of video editing software though, so nothing too fancy for a while.
In semi-related news, I've completely lost my camera. Like, it's nowhere in the house. Checked my whole room and every other room in the house, nowhere to be seen. Even if I did find it, both of my good SD cards are missing as well. Meh. So, no pictures for a while.

Obligatory traditional rant:
Cables. I lost the charger cable for my Walkman during the whole house fire situation and I haven't been able to find the damn thing since. I MUST HAVE MUSIC OR ELSE I WILL GO INSANE GODAMMIT.

Friday, May 13, 2011

House fire

Bloody hell, it's been almost a month since my last post. Not really my fault, though I still apologize for it. Let me explain:
About a day after my last post, there was a fire in our house. It wasn't a stove fire, nobody was in the kitchen at the time. Fire department said it wasn't an electrical fire, either. Nobody can seem to figure out why our house decided to just burst into flames.
The fire was actually put out before it spread to the rest of house, and we had to stay at my grandparent's house while renovations were being done. Everything's back to normal now.
And I mean everything: Since the incident described in my last post, which I'm starting to think was just a really vivid dream or hallucination or a joke or something, I haven't seen hide or tail of that skinny bastard. Beginning to wonder if it was someone who has a grudge against me just pulling a prank or something. But regardless, that stuff's over now. Blog's gonna go back to me ranting about stupid crap, and pictures- HAHAHA OH WAIT MY CAMERA TOOK A SHIT AND DIED. So just me ranting, then.